"The physical aspects of the training develops determination and resilience, which are important qualities in all aspects of life. Over the years, I progressed through the grading system to black belt level. "

"My profession is Science Teacher, specialising in Chemistry. I was Vice-Principal of a school, but have now retired from that role. Teaching karate has much in common with teaching science."

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"Karate principles will always be an integral part of my lifestyle."

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Don Mason


"I started Goju karate training in 1989 in Slough, having previously trained in Shotokan many years before. I enjoy the martial arts training, largely because of the way that it instils discipline, and respect. "

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"I am now a Senior Instructor and have enjoyed passing on my knowledge and experience to others. I get great satisfaction seeing all students grow and achieve. "

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"I enjoy the challenge of devising strategies for teaching various principles at different levels"

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"Physical fitness, respect for others, integrity and strength of character are important to me."